Author, Speaker, Lecturer, Consultant


What Wild Animals Teach Us

What can we learn about leadership from wild animals?

Wild Leadership


This book answers the question: ‘What can we learn about leadership from wild animals?’ and offers a look at leadership from a completely different perspective, linking us to our wild animal ancestors. 

Our closest living relatives are chimpanzees and bonobos. We share almost 99 per cent of our DNA with these great apes. We are less hairy, may wear a business suit, but we are driven by our instincts and emotions just like our wild relatives.

We evolved with a primate social structure that worked well for us in the past. But now we are facing the challenges of a modern technological world with the same brain that served us a couple of hundred thousand years ago. Our primitive grey matter, albeit cased in a modern skull, is largely unaltered since this time. And neither have we changed the evolutionarily encoded, hardwired expectations we have of our leaders.

In the wild, animals will follow a leader they trust, a leader that has their back at all times, a leader that acts with the best interest of the group at heart. We have similar expectations of our leaders. This book highlights what wild animals expect from their alphas and how understanding these expectations can help humans lead more naturally and effectively.

New Holland Publishers RRP $29.99
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LangenMüller, Stuttgart, Germany. Euro 22.00
Walraven, E. (2020) Wild Leadership – Tierische Führungs strategien und was wir von ihnen lernen kӧnnen. Ebook available online.

Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris, France. Euro 18.90
Walraven, E. (2021) C’est qui le Chef? – Ce Que Nous Enseignent les Animaux Sauvage sur le Leadership. Available online.